Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Trouble with the Law

How is this spot we have just arrived at for a few nights? It’s called Green Turtle Lodge and it’s about 30km west of Takoradi (+/- 230km west of Accra).

As we mentioned before, we decided to go west a bit to test out our gear so we can pass through Accra again and get anything we need on our eastward bound route home. Also, we are getting a gauge on how far we can drive in a day – 200km in about 5 hours so we reckon we looking at 50 days of 200km (max) – so far……..
We stopped at Big Milly’s Backyard on the way for 2 nights, fantastic place and a Reggae party that rocked until 1:30 this morning – we jived til the end and wondered if the singer was really singing as it could have been Bob himself he was so good, but no valuables allowed on the beach, perhaps a little too close to Accra.

We got hit with our first and hopefully last unsuccessful police stop today as we didn’t take the curbed police lane past their hut and went straight – OOOPS!!!! With much whistle blowing and running out in front of us we were asked if we thought we were the president….apparently an enormous offense and after having the reckless driving law read out to him, Andrew managed to escape a court appearance tomorrow, a MASSIVE fine and handing in his license and credit card. I sat in the car waiting patiently as only he was summoned and when he eventually returned, Inspector Ken was giving him his personal cell number, just in case, told me that Andrew was such a good man, and with a spot fine, we were sent on our way, with much warning about being careful – just as the haggling started because he was wearing slip slops and something about a right hand drive car being illegal. I am already exhausted by the endless stops and the inevitable “what have you got for me for New Year?” but we were warned! Completely worth it when we get to paradise for a mere R22 each per night for camping (we get to use the ablutions).

And CONGRATS to our blog manager, Craig, and Carissa on their engagement – excellent choice you two!! Very happy for you, you make a brilliant couple!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks guys, very exciting times! travel safe guys and keep up the awesome blogging
